Earthing Solutions meets transport agency’s exacting standards to gain AEO certification.

During normal times, Sydney Trains provides around one million trips every weekday and it is vital the electric
rail network operates safely for the travelling public and transport personnel. The Assets Standards Authority
or ASA is tasked with ensuring the safety of the network and manages the Authorised Engineering
Organisations (AEO) certification process for endorsing the capability and competency of heavy rail network
In April 2020, Earthing Solutions gained AEO status for the material procurement, construction and installation
of earthing, bonding, electrolysis and lightning protection for heavy rail network projects.
“The certification process is meticulous,” said Earthing Solutions Director, Dave Gale. “We had to demonstrate
that our capability of delivering earthing services within the heavy rail setting is backed up with comprehensive and
reliable systems and procedures.”
“Understandably, the ASA wanted to see evidence of how we evaluate the integrity and safety of our earthing
systems,” said Dave. “We had to demonstrate compliance with the full gamut of safety requirements including
those contained in regulations, codes of practice, standards and specifications. We also had to show how we
manage risk and continual improvement within the business.”
“The ASA assessment covers not only the existence of system documentation, but the actual deployment in
past projects,” said Dave. “It’s no use having great systems if you don’t implement them.”
To achieve certification, Earthing Solutions had to provide documented evidence of the systems, tools,
capability and capacity of the company to deliver earthing services within a heavy rail setting. AEO certification
is recognition that Earthing Solutions has the procedures and processes in place to satisfy the transport
authority’s rigorous standards.
“While AEO certification relates to our work within the rail network, the recognition of the quality of our
systems for delivering Earthing Solutions should instill confidence in all our clients. No matter what business
you’re in – energy, telecommunications, transport, land development – you want a capable and competent
company delivering your earthing systems.”